Community Mental Health Transformation (CMHT)

What is Community Mental Health Transformation?

Community Mental Health transformation is a large-scale, national programme to transform mental health services for adults and older adults.

Watch this video to find out more about the national programme.

    What is happening in Gloucestershire?

    In Gloucestershire, new community models are being developed, built on our existing services, around localities and Primary Care Networks (GP clusters)

    The new model aims to provide provide easier access to support, shorter waiting times, and more personalised care. 

    The project is being led by Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (GHC) on behalf of One Gloucestershire. GHC are working with partners, including the Gloucestershire VCS Alliance, Inclusion Gloucestershire, Forest Voluntary Action Forum, Independence Trust and others. 

    Importantly, it is also heavily focussed on co-production with Experts by Experience – both people who have used services and their carers – involved throughout.

      What does this mean to me if I use mental health services?

      The programme is about improving the support provided to people with Serious Mental illness. If this includes you or someone you support, it means you should find it easier to get help, you will have better access to physical health checks, more support with housing and employment and a different assessment process. But we are still in the early stages and we want to get your views on how we can improve things for you.

      More information about Community Mental Health Transformation in Gloucestershire can be found here:

      You can view a film from the Forest of Dean community engagement event here.

        Lived experience Survey

        In May 2023, we coproduced a lived experience survey to gather feedback from people about what their experience of services has been, and what was important to people in each local area to consider as part of transforming services.

        The full report from the survey can be downloaded below.


        Lived experience Survey – LGBTQIA+ communities

         Following on from our coproduced lived experience survey above, we identified that we had a low number of responses from people who identified as belonging to the LGBTQIA+ community.

        With support from LGBT+ Partnership Cheltenham and Gloucestershire and NHS Gloucestershire’s Engagement team, we shared the survey in January 2024 specifically through LGBTQIA+ networks.

        This helped us to understand more about the experiences of people from LGBTQIA+ communities in accessing community mental health services.

        We found some differences in their experiences compared to the general population and made key recommendations as a result.

        The report will be shared with the community mental health transformation team and colleagues at Gloucestershire’s Integrated Care Board.

        The full report is available to download below.