Health and Wellbeing Projects
The projects below all look to improve the Health and Wellbeing of people with Learning Disabilities and Autistic People.
LeDeR is short for an NHS programme called ‘Learning from lives and deaths – People with a learning disability and autistic people.
The LeDeR programme looks to learn from the lives and deaths of people with a Learning Disability or Autism, using this knowledge to improve services and reduce health inequalities.
Two members of staff, who are Experts by Experience, sit on the LeDeR Quality Assurance (QA) panel to ensure that the voices of those with lived experiences are heard.
For more information about our involvement in the Gloucestershire LeDeR programme, visit our LeDeR webpage.
Your Voice
Your Voice is a network of groups involved in speaking up (or self-advocacy) across the South West of England.
The network brings together groups that want to work together to improve the health and wellbeing of people with Learning Disabilities and Autistic People.
Your Voice listens to what people tell us and feeds this back directly to the NHS.
For more information take a look at the Your Voice Project website.
Gloucestershire Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB)
The Learning Disability Partnership Board is where everybody works together to make lives better for people with a Learning Disability in Gloucestershire. The board helps to bring out the voices, ideas and thoughts, of people with learning disabilities.
There are two co-chairs of the partnership board – an independent co-chair Jan Marriott and Wendy Wall from Inclusion Gloucestershire.
For more information take a look at the project webpage.