Engagement in the Community
We work with people to grow their skills to self advocate and to speak up for themselves.
We do this by:
- Running Speak Up groups. Groups to help you speak out about what is important to you.
- One-to–one sessions. We will listen to what you want and support you to find a way to do it
Support from Volunteer Mentors. - Helping you to find information and understand it
- Helping you to speak out when your voice is not being heard by others
- We provide non-legal advocacy. If you need specialist advocacy we will signpost you to an organisation that can support you.
For more information take a look at the project webpage.
Dramatic Change
Dramatic Change is Inclusion Gloucestershire’s drama offer. This is part of our wider advocacy offer and is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.
We offer weekly drama sessions and deliver other creative courses designed for people who face disabling barriers.
The aim of this project is that participants learn new skills, experience increased wellbeing and confidence, and have their voices heard on a range of issue-based topics.
Please click here for more details of our current and upcoming courses.
MHELO (Mental Health Expert Led Oportunities)
MHELO (Mental Health Experience Led Opportunities) is an independent network for people in Gloucestershire to have a collective voice. We exist to ensure that the voice of our experts by experience is heard and we welcome people from all backgrounds and all walks of life, providing a safe, supportive and user-led space. We know thathowever good health services, social care services and doctors are, they generally haven’t experienced living with mental health difficulties.
Your experience and views are what empowers the VOICE of the present, and the future, of Mental Health in Gloucestershire. We are a user-led network of individuals who want to speak about their experiences of mental ill health, and services, within Gloucestershire to bring about change.
For more information take a look at the project webpage.
Community Hubs
We have 4 Inclusion hubs based within Gloucestershire in Gloucester, Cheltenham and the Forest of Dean.
For more details about when they run and how you can get involved click here
Community Mental Health Transformation (CMHT)
Community Mental Health transformation is a large-scale, national programme to transform mental health services for adults and older adults.
Watch this video to find out more about the national programme.
To find our more about what is happening in Gloucestershire, visit our project webpage.