Our Jobs

Working at Inclusion Gloucestershire


At Inclusion Gloucestershire, our team are what makes us. This page details any vacancies that we currently have for brilliant people who share our values and passion for inclusion to join our supportive, successful team.

If you’re thinking of applying for a job with us, read our handy guide first which tells you exactly what we’re looking for in your application.

Application Guide (.docx download)

What our Team Say


Here are a few of the things that our team have said they value about working at Inclusion Gloucestershire this year:

‘Our people, our values, our user-led ethos’

‘Giving people with disabilities a voice / lead role on project work. Valuing everyone’s contributions.’

‘Colleagues and manager are AMAZING’

‘Inclusion Gloucestershire is one of the most supportive work places I have worked at – the open, honest culture feels very much in line with the charity’s values. Everyone’s views and contributions are valued.’

‘I feel very privileged to be part of such a caring, kind, and dynamic organisation, with amazing leadership.’

Project Coordinator

Inclusion Gloucestershire is a respected user-led disabled people’s organisation and registered charity, run by disabled people for disabled people.  We deliver to a range of diverse projects, all user-led and all with the aim to provide a voice and improve the lives...

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Inclusion Gloucestershire is a disabled people’s organisation that exists to facilitate inclusion for people who face disabling barriers, every day and in every way. You will be a key resource for the charity, supporting all areas of administration across the...

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