Hi All, we are excited to tell you about our #TuneIn project funded through the Gloucestershire Community Grant.

We know that in difficult situations some people find it harder to communicate so we will be working with our emergency services colleagues, health, the County Council Disabilities Hub and other organisations to do a couple of simple things.

Firstly, we plan to support organisations think about the things that get in the way of good communication and how they can support people to tell them what help they need.

Secondly, we will be giving away our Wristbands which will help identify that someone may find it hard to communicate in difficult situations.

We are just starting to put together our team and will be out and about in May and June sharing our awareness sessions and giving people the wristbands.

When we have dates, we will sure to let everyone know how they can get involved.

You can see some of our messages in our poster, we would love it if you could share it with everyone you know so when we get out with the wristbands people know what they can do to help people when they need it, with their communication.
